The Standard

Getting disability insurance is a smart thing for many employees. A large minority of today’s workers will suffer disabling conditions or injuries at some time during their working careers. When people are unable to return to work for lengthy periods of time or permanently, having the financial protection in place that disability benefits can provide is important. Unfortunately, some disabled workers’ claims are denied by The Standard. The Law Office of Andrew Reichardt can help you appeal of your denial of your disability claim.


Founded in 1906, The Standard is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. The company employs 3,400 people and covers around 8.5 million people through more than 30,000 employers. The Standard offers disability, accident, critical illness and hospital insurance. It also sells retirement products and annuities.


The Standard offers group and individual short- and long-term disability plans. Group short- and long-term disability plans are offered by employers as a part of their benefits packages. Short-term disability offers weekly benefits when you are disabled and temporarily unable to return to work for up to the maximum duration listed in your policy, which is normally in terms of weeks or months. Long-term coverage offers ongoing benefits payments for much longer periods, which are normally at least several years in duration. Your duration will depend on your policy. The Standard’s individual disability plans can supplement their other products to offer more protection for a greater percentage of your income. The company also offers business protection in their disability plans for business owners so that their businesses can continue running when they are disabled.


The Standard will send you a letter if it denies your claim. This letter will contain some important information, so it is important for you to read it. It will list the reasons why your claim was denied and explain your right to appeal. The letter will list a deadline within which you must file your appeal. You cannot head straight to court and file a lawsuit. Instead, you are required to go through the company’s internal process and exhaust those appeals before you will be allowed to file a civil complaint against The Standard in court. Don’t miss the deadline for appealing your denial. If you do, your ability to seek your benefits will be foreclosed.

Once you receive your letter, call the company and ask for your claim file to be sent to you. The Standard must provide you with a complete copy upon your request, and your file will contain everything that was gathered during the investigation of your claim. The Law Office of Andrew Reichardt will review your file and your letter when you come in for your appointment. Andrew will recommend the strategies to use with your appeal.

There are a few things that you should understand about the claim and appeal process so that you can avoid making common mistakes. Don’t stop seeing your doctor even if you think medical care can’t help you anymore. Keep your appointments and follow the treatment recommendations that you are given. Don’t exaggerate your symptoms to your doctor, The Standard or your attorney. While you might think that this would help your claim, it can instead do the opposite. Insurance investigators look for signs of malingering, and if The Standard believes that you are a malingerer, you will be unlikely to win. To learn more about the claim and appeal process, contact The Law Office of Andrew Reichardt today.